The more we get to know our judgementalness, pettiness and arrogance we realize they are not sins but workable habits of the mind. The more we get to know them, the more they lose their power, and we come to trust our basic simple nature, free of struggle between good and bad.
Why do we make the choices we do? Our choices are constrained by many things: economic circumstances, society and more. It is by our choices that we assign the meanings to objects and relationships, but in the end, there is no escaping the feeling that it is all arbitrary.
Trust the intelligence of your body, trust your natural responses and everything will fall into place. When you speak, speak with quietude and sincerity, then your words will be long lasting. Being natural in this way, you embrace everything and everything embraces you.
Times of abundance should be treasured and well used, for they cannot last, as there is no room to grow or expand. You can slow down the inevitable decline that must follow times of abundance by careful management of your resources.
Quote: It might be better not to ruin the universe with our own patterns.