Problems are a projection of your own mind, the unwanted parts of yourself you want to get rid of. Problems will go away by working with them using compassion and patience. If they still linger on, remember when the resistance is gone so are the problems.
If you find yourself blocked and frustrated by life, look for the inevitable outlet. Nothing is permanent so our obstacles cannot last. We need to look for the first opportunity to set things moving again. As soon as you see an opportunity, act and engage in it fully.
Shining the light on yourself will never boost your eminence. Being self-righteous precludes you from being right. Parading yourself parodies leadership. Boasting about yourself will never boost your eminence. Avoid the cultivation of these ego-bloated voids.
Excess and insufficiency are injurious to your health. Put a limit on your expenditures and actions, but not excessive or too little, look for balance. If we impose limitations on others and evade them ourselves this will cause resistance and resentment.
Quote: Life is growth and motion; the most fatal illusion is a fixed point of view.