The continual search for pleasure or security, searching for a more comfortable situation at the domestic or spiritual level, are some of the things that keep us unhappy. We will never have it all together, there is only this moment to live. If you live in the moment, you will find the joy you are seeking.
When we speak of self-sufficiency most people think it is a myth. What we refer to is a supreme connection to oneself and the cosmos around us. This does not preclude community with others, but it does prevent the excess and shortcomings where society is your only source of union.
Wanting to reform the world without discovering one’s true self is like trying cover the world with leather to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes. See things as they are without trying to control them and just stay in your center.
In difficult times, a task can be accomplished by caution and deliberation. If we wish to achieve something we first need to investigate the forces and bring these forces to bear in the proper place and the proper time, first we must be at the correct standpoint ourselves. Only then can we work correctly.
Quote: It’s a massive gift and privilege to be alive in this form and in this world.