Sharing your heart is a simple practice that can be used any time. When you encounter pain in your life, breathe into your heart and recognize that others also feel this. Whether it is a pleasant feeling or a burden think of others, this training will benefit us tremendously, and everyone else as well.
Duality in life is not clearly demarcated, there is a fuzziness at the line. Day does not have a sharp border with night. There are complexities and counterpoint. If nature is full of subtlety and even false appearances, how wise must we be to follow life’s rhythms unerringly?
These ancient words are not the medicine, only the prescription; not the destination, but a map to help you reach it. Seeing it with your own eyes, hearing it with your own ears is the only way to the destination. When you get there your mind will be quiet and still.
If a person or persons are annoying you, sometimes it is best not to engage them, instead retreat with dignity and reserve. When you carry retreat out correctly it is a sign of strength. Through perseverance and single acts of resistance we prepare for the counter movement.
Quote: How much is there we can discover if we can believe?