Do not shut anyone out of your heart and don’t make the other into an enemy. If we live like this, we can’t make things right or wrong anymore. Everything is ambiguous, there are as many different takes on any situation as there are people involved.
The precedents of the ancients may be helpful in living our life, but they are really only references. We need to learn to accept who we are and be who we are. Therefore, do not sigh over misfortune or adversity. Whether you are happy or sad is up to you.
It is a universal law that what you say and do determines what happens in your life. Recognize that you and this law are one, cultivate yourself in accord with it, bringing moderation to your actions and clarity to your mind. This is a profound simple truth, what you do is what you are.
Letting go means forgiveness, forgetting and releasing old grudges. When an individual’s consciousness is not holding such blockages there is no negativity, tension, defenses or stress because one is free; then there is opportunity to choose a different way.
Quote: From the waxing and waning of the moon came the principal of change.