When we cling to thoughts and memories, we are clinging to what cannot be grasped. When one thought has entered and another has not yet begun, rest in that gap. Train in returning to that the present moment, all compassion and inspiration comes from that.
Some call themselves masters or prophets, but the aim is to transcend all identity. Having someone call you by a title is an interference you do not need. When you are seeing the greatest wonder of your life, the last thing you want is to have someone blocking the light.
When things arise, let them come; when things depart, let them go. Don’t possess, don’t expect. Practice undiscriminating virtue, take care of those who are deserving; also equally, take care of those who are not. These practices calm the mind and bring one into harmony with all things.
It is an incentive for you when good starts to prevail, to join the upward trend, but don’t be carried away by the current of the time. We must adhere to what is right, and be aware that everything is transitory, because descent must follow every rise; this is a natural law.
Quote: We deserve to fulfill our material and spiritual need simply because we are human beings.