Be kind to all qualities of your being, the painful parts, the tough parts, all of you. When we feel bad in some way about ourselves, loving kindness towards ourselves is the way to treat this feeling. This then becomes the basis for extending the same unconditional kindness towards others.
If we surround ourselves with the reflection of our own identities, if we think only of ourselves, only caring about our own survival and gratification, we may want to take a close look and realize we surround ourselves with illusions. Once we see this, our true nature appears and the illusions disappear.
Settle your mind like the universe settles the stars in the night sky. Connecting your mind to that subtle origin, it will become calm, then it will naturally expand and ultimately your mind becomes as vast and immeasurable as the night sky.
When the mind is open and clear, you cannot be moved by the vagaries of wealth and status. When fulfilled yet docile, all virtues are developed, and neither fortune nor calamity can disturb you. Producing clarity by being open with awareness, then emptiness and fullness balance each other.
Quote: The essential nature of humanity likes peace, but habitual desires damage it.