Fully acknowledge your sadness and the sadness of life, but do not be consumed by it. Remember your true nature of balance and completeness, joining vision with practicality. This quality of being continuously awake will help you remember who you really are.
We want to be successful but once you have something that works, it takes courage to keep going beyond your limits. You don’t want to be repeating the same success story, you want to be creative and keep challenging yourself; don’t cling to methods and dogma, be spontaneous.
There are three things to treasure: simplicity, patience, and compassion. Simple in your actions and thoughts and you return to the source of being. Patience with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate towards yourself and all is at peace.
The words and deeds of the past can be used to strengthen and elevate your character. When you study the past, do not confine yourself to knowledge of history but apply that knowledge to give actuality to the past and begin with these ancient teachings.
Quote: I wish I had a Magic Wand! If you did, what would you ask for?