Caring for things, in moments of appreciation, in moments of gratitude, letting go of holding on to ourselves, and looking at the world around us. Whenever we connect with sorrow, or joy, dropping our resentments and complaints; this will awaken our heart.
Your overall obligation in life is to complete your own journey, but what good is self-cultivation and wisdom if you keep it for yourself? Knowledge is meant to be used, if you can use it on behalf of others along your path through life, you should do so.
If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place because the mind is the governing aspect of human life. To correct your mind, rely on not doing, clinging to things, and avoid daydreaming. This will allow your original insight to emerge and help clear the mind.
Different times have different social mores and constraints. Different cultures recognize different standards. Different roles in society carry different responsibilities. Therefore, you must adjust your actions and your perspectives in accordance with any situation.
Quote: If you can cease all restless activity, your integral nature will appear.