Whenever you feel uncomfortable and don’t know what to do, find some place to look at the openness of the sky and experience the freshness, free of hope and fear, just completely open. This open space permeates everything and is available to us every moment of our lives.
Today is the middle day of the year. Once you reach the center of anything you can dominate the whole. In life we establish goals and parameters to define the scope of most everything we do. Knowing when you have reached the center of your endeavor it makes perseverance easier.
It is a universal law that what you say and do determines what happens in your life. Recognize that you and this law are one, cultivate yourself in accord with it, bringing moderation to your actions and clarity to your mind. This is a profound simple truth, what you do is what you are.
The purpose of the ancient teachings is to offer guidance in one’s daily life and to avoid misconduct. They show us how to explore natural and social phenomena. It shows you how to use your abilities and offer them to all without selfish motives.
Quote: Understanding human needs is half the job of meeting them.