Life is glorious, but also wretched. Gloriousness we feel inspired and connected, we want it to be like this forever. Wretchedness, life’s painful aspect humbles and softens us up. Gloriousness and wretchedness need each other; one inspires us, the other softens us.
If we are to accept life’s sad parts, we must also embrace its good parts. As long as you have behaved responsibly, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the best of what life presents to you. Act as if you are nature’s favorite. Who is to say otherwise?
Can you let go of dualities and embrace life without skepticism or panic? Then you will be able to reach the heart of oneness. Avoid thinking of the Oneness as unusual, exalted, sublime, transcendental; it is beyond all that. It is simply the direct essential and complete truth.
Letting go means forgiveness, forgetting and releasing old grudges. When an individual’s consciousness is not holding such blockages, there is no negativity, tension, defenses or stress because one is free and then there is opportunity to choose a different way.
Quote: How do we make everyday better?