When you fear something, you become unnerved and usually do what it tells you to do. Listen to it, even respect it, even be convinced of it, but if you don’t do what it tells you to do it has no power over you and, in this way, you defeat what you are fearful of.
Whenever the optimal time of day is for you, use this time for self-cultivation. If it is early morning when it is quiet and fresh, immerse yourself in these energies. If it is evening, put your cares of the day aside rest and relax, use the gestating powers of the dark.
Improve yourself for the sake of the world, thus the whole truth of the universe will be revealed. To seek this truth, practice in your daily life and share it with others. The highest virtue we can exercise is to accept the responsibility of discovering the whole truth.
Watching the workings of nature, the meaning of its laws, and the underlying workings of the universe will enable you to give expression to those workings in one’s own person. By watching the actions of others this will allow you to put yourself in another’s place and understand their motives.
Quote: I have found the key to unraveling life: firstly, to desire what is necessary, and secondly, to love what is desired.