The cause of confusion, pollution, and violence are not someone else’s problems, it’s something we can come to know in ourselves. To do this make friends with ourselves and rid ourselves of the mistaken idea that the way to be happy is to blame someone else.
When people are dying, merely being with them or holding hands is eloquence enough. Even though they may not respond, they can feel your presence and hear you. The last sense you lose is your hearing, just the sound of your voice will comfort them.
To be the best leader keep your words in harmony with your actions, this way those you lead will feel they have done the work themselves; they will be hardly aware that you exist. If you don’t trust people you lead, you make them untrustworthy.
Growth does not need to mean that things get larger. When we learn to unlearn what no longer serves us, things may even get smaller and better. Do more with less and yet hold more of the world in your grasp. Our job is to give gains value, and not merely learn they are there.
Quote: When we step out of self-consciousness we step into life.