Do not shut anyone out of your heart and don’t make the other into an opponent. When we open our hearts, we can’t make things completely right or wrong anymore. Trying to find absolute rights and wrongs is a trick we play on ourselves to feel secure and comfortable.
Tradition is the oral delivery of rites and customs from generation to generation. There has to be a revision of all traditions if not to degenerate into superstition, but the true substance of any tradition can take new form without compromising its inherent character.
Embrace simplicity and integrity, consume only the needs of your body and spirit. Allow your love and concern for others to define your essentiality. If this is not enough, stay in your center and let all things take their course, thusly you will benefit a hundredfold.
In difficult times people need to work together to overcome their difficulties. If they have differences, seek common ground on the major issues while reserving their differences on minor ones. If people deal with others in a spirit of equality, then peace and progress is possible.
Quote: We have nothing to fear but, fear itself”. I would say, “not even that”. President Roosevelt