Look for the gaps, that space between thoughts, the natural occurrence after an unexpected noise, shock or moment of awe. Just being present like this introduces you to unshakable confidence that refuses to buy into negative story lines. Take time to pause before you react, it works.
There is a universal energy that permeates all things. This energy is always available to you at any time that you need it. We call it by many names, but it is nameless and is indescribable. It has been there forever and will always be there, everything originates from it.
We live a bewildered life, we struggle to know things, and whether there is a purpose to this existence. Just look behind all this and see the joy and simplicity in all things. Remain centered and act from your heart then all things will be in harmony, and you will be at peace.
Joy rests on firmness and strength within, manifesting itself outwardly as yielding and gentle. This joyful mood is infectious and promotes harmonious relationships with others. Truth and strength must dwell in the heart, gentleness reveals itself with social intercourse.
Quote: What is sacred and cannot be known is called spiritual.