Being able to appreciate, being able to look closely, being able to open our minds, not looking at things with expectations that things will get better, or there is a cure for something, are gifts we can give ourselves. Accept what is and look for the positive aspects of your situation.
Don’t saddle yourself with extra responsibilities; keep your life simple, give up as much as possible. Renounce unnecessary cravings and desires, leave behind the trappings of wealth and success. Live in the moment, it brings knowledge and it brings joy.
Your mind is like the sky, if its cloudy you will not see it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. All our miseries and conflicts are created by the activity of the mind. Keep your mind still, look inside, and see the truth that is always available, always responsive.
It is an incentive for you when good starts to prevail to join the upward trend, but don’t be carried away by the current of the time. We must adhere to what is right, and be aware that everything is transitory, because descent must follow every rise, this is a natural law.
Quote: The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.