Everyday there is more aggression throughout the world and that pain escalates indefinitely. Ask yourself, “Am I going to add to the aggression in the world?” When things get edgy take time to ask yourself, “Am I going to be the aggressor or am I going to practice acceptance and peace?”
The body has three treasures: essence, breath, and spirit. Essence is the biochemical aspect of your body nurtured by the food you eat. To build your breath, work and exercise diligently. Paying attention to the food you eat, and exercising the body, is the basis of a spiritual practice.
If you are a pattern to the world, this will create an inner strength in you and there will be nothing you can’t do. To become a pattern to the world, accept the world as it is and return to the innocence of childhood; become receptive to all that comes your way like a newborn.
A sudden shock ushers in rejuvenating potential. Something which has become stagnant can be re-energized or something which was stuck can be unstuck. This offers an opportunity to access and transform the newly released energy into a new direction.
Quote: Relax into stillness.