When we act out or tell someone off there is some relief for the moment, but it doesn’t last. If we surrender and drop the story line, there is tenderness under all that harshness. By being kind to ourselves, we become kind to others; done properly it, benefits everybody.
We live in a world where selfless sharing of knowledge is no longer a virtue. Many people regard knowledge as a commodity to be packaged and sold. The more knowledge you give away, the more will come to you. Be compassionate to others, what do you have to fear by being open?
When you take care of things, never waste anything; when you care for people, never abandon anyone. If you are not attached to your own ideas, and open to what is, you will be able to care for all that come to you. They are your greatest sources of wisdom.
Human society should hold together through common interests that allow each person to feel part of the whole. What is required is that we unite with others, this is accomplished by sincerity in forming relationships with a common goal and working together towards that goal.
Quote: Never do anything against your conscience, even if the state demands it. —Einstein