The continual search for pleasure or security, searching for a more comfortable situation at the domestic or spiritual level, are some of the things that keep us unhappy. We will never have it all together, there is only this moment to live. If you live in the moment, you will find the joy you are seeking.
We seek belief systems and philosophies, but true spirituality is far beyond the conception of even the most brilliant human mind. The need to understand this truth is universal because it is the very essence of life itself, it is found only in the here and now.
If you have a benevolent heart, you will nourish you community without trying to. Be simple and generous, do work you enjoy, don’t try to control, don’t compare, don’t compete, be content with just being who you are; this way everybody will respect you.
As we age, we should take time to enjoy the blessings of life. If you only sigh and remember the sorrowful times you will bring on misfortune. Use your intelligence and wisdom to deal with the varying course of life, the good things that come as well as the bad.
Quote: Without an understanding of who we are, we cannot truly advance.