Problems are a projection of your own mind, the unwanted parts of yourself you want to get rid of. Problems will go away by working with them using compassion and patience. If they still linger on, remember when the resistance is gone so are the problems.
We must learn skills and ethics thoroughly; we must come to embody them so completely that they become subconscious, so that when something happens there is no doubt of what to do. Reacting to a situation by asking what is right or wrong is too slow, you must do intuitively what is correct.
To accept all things means to hold no anger or resistance towards anything, rid yourself of any concept of separation. Foregoing antagonism and separation you enter into the harmonious oneness with all things. Acceptance is the very essence of life.
In difficult times, a task can be accomplished by caution and deliberation. If we wish to achieve something, we first need to investigate the forces and bring these forces to bear in the proper place and the proper time; first we must be at the correct standpoint ourselves, only then can we work correctly.
Quote: You cannot build a reputation on what you are going to do. —Henry Ford