In any situation we can find out what is true by studying ourselves, look at all your emotions both the good and the painful, everything. There is a lot of encouragement to do this and self-cultivation gives us the method. You have to find out for yourself what is true.
We should do no more than we need to satisfy ourselves, to do more would be foolhardy. We must remember to look within. Lingering there is a shimmering beauty and fantastic movement, this is the center, the eye of the storm, the still point of existence.
There are those that say the ancient teachings are nonsense. Others call them lofty and impractical, but to those who have looked inside themselves, this nonsense makes perfect sense, and those who put them into practice this loftiness has roots that go deep.
In order to grow we need support from others, they are a source of strength to help us achieve our goals. To gain their support you need an attitude of truthfulness and sincerity. Your fame and position will grow not by accident because it is based on the law of cause and effect.
Quote: To bring about change, you must not be afraid to take the first step. We will fail when we fail to try.