Fundamental richness is available in each moment, all you have to do is relax. Relax when the phone rings, relax looking at the clouds in the sky, relax all the time. A focused relaxation practice enables us to see the simplicity in the way things are, just be there directly.
Sometimes we are so worn out from our days’ activities we forget to notice our need for recharging. There are still days and places where we can be afforded some tranquility. Renewal is a profound tonic, with sanctuary and rest we can prepare to go forth again.
Any fragment of the mind apart from heart, spirit, human community and the natural law of the universe is going against your own true nature. We sometimes confuse knowledge with knowing. Forget the 10,000 things, be open and curious; not knowing is true knowledge.
When times are bad, submit to them and remain quiet. It may be impossible to counteract the conditions of the time, it is not cowardice but wisdom to submit and avoid actions. A law of nature is at work, evil is not destructive to the good alone but inevitably destroys itself as well.
Quote: No matter what people tell you; words and ideas can change the world.