When we feel ready to give up, healing can be found in the tenderness of pain itself. In there, reach out and touch your genuine heart of sadness. This heart is always there for us, it can be brought to the light any time and it will glow as brilliantly as if nothing happened.
Today is the 108th day, an important number to the ancients. Numbers are important in our lives, but are only symbols, a way to project order on to the universe. Numbers form a world with mysteries to explore and exploit, if our understanding is deep enough.
Nothing is better than moderation. Only those who are moderate can prepare in advance; by preparing in advance, you accumulate a reserve. If you create a reserve, you can overcome all obstacles, once you have overcome all obstacles you have no limits.
Like the cycle of the seasons, there is also a cycle of good and bad times. When unfavorable times, come look for the opportunities, they bring you, while waiting for the change back to favorable times. Do not become attached to the times as change like the seasons is inevitable.
Quote: Certain things catch your eye but pursue only those that capture the heart.