Even the best teachers get angry, jealous and depressed and, because of that, they can give us guidance that we understand. These teachers are no different than you but who, by diligent effort, have come to understand themselves by observing their actions and thoughts and the effect they have on others.
We recognize the necessity of daily activity in life, but also, we need to take time each day to reflect on the day’s events and return to what the ancients call the source. This back-and-forth movement between the source and daily activity is the movement of all things.
By integrating the positive influences in your life with the positive elements of your own being, and eliminating the subtle negative influences, you can enhance all aspects of your life. In order to eliminate the negative influences, simply ignore them.
When you feel stuck, cooperation with others on a common goal and with concentration on the goal, will help you dissolve your barriers. If you are free of all selfish exterior motives and are united in this joint task or goal, this can also dissolve the hardness of egotism.
Quote: People who work together in mutual help are magicians…This is the secret or progress for future humanity: to work through communities.