When we train in the art of peace, even though we have noble intentions, we are not given any promises that all will be okay. Instead, simply look deeply at joy and sorrow, hoping and fearing, laughter and crying, at all that lives and dies. We learn that which truly brings peace is gratitude and tenderness.
Meditation is not something reserved for spiritual seekers. Meditation is a process of discovery, of slowly exploring how you function as a human being. It is for everybody and especially helpful in troubled times, seek out a teacher and practice diligently.
There is an underlying energy or essence that permeates all things, it is always there, it is perfect and creates all things. This energy connects us all with the universe and each other; we are all part of it. This energy helps you live a plain and simple life in harmony with nature.
When you run into an obstruction and don’t know what to do, the best thing to do is to keep still, but this does not mean giving up. You are only yielding to a situation and waiting for a more auspicious time to react. An obstruction that only lasts for a time is useful for self development.
Quote: The “Universe” is friendly and that everything that happens is for you.. it has a purpose.