When we feel inadequate or unworthy, we want to hold on to what we have and are afraid of feeling worse than we do already. The cause of our aggression and fear begins to dissolve when we move past this poverty of holding on to things, both physical and mentally.
Fate, we think, is a force that interferes with our lives. Yet what we call fate is nothing more than the consequences of our own actions. Each time we act, we create a chain of events that is tied to us completely. They cannot be severed; every act binds us further.
There are two kinds of wisdom. The first is worldly wisdom, which is a conceptual understanding of your experiences, this inhibits your direct understanding of the truth. The second kind, integral wisdom, involves a direct participation in every moment, with no mental concepts or attitudes.
If you are too firm in character, you will have difficulty dealing with others. If not firm enough, you will have difficulty dealing with the course of life. Do not be concerned whether your plans will fail or succeed, just proceed with life gradually and steadily.
Quote: The best way to love someone is not to change them, but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves.