We are stuck in the same patterns of grasping and fixating which cause the same thoughts and reactions to occur over and over again. When we see this, even just for a second, explore these patterns and relax. We will naturally discover the knack of stopping these reoccurrences.
If you are walking the same path as another person, walk it together as long as you can, but when you must part. Do not hold your companion back. We may understand philosophically why a companion must leave, but do not deny your feelings as you walk on alone.
Intellectual knowledge exists in and of the brain, which is part of the physical body. However, insight is a function of the spirit that never goes away, you can always cultivate it. Refined over time, insight becomes pure, constant, unwavering and peaceful.
If a person or persons are annoying you, sometimes it is best not to engage them. Instead, retreat with dignity and reserve. When you carry retreat out correctly it is a sign of strength. Through perseverance and single acts of resistance we prepare for the counter movement.
Quote: We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.