We cause harm to ourselves by not having the courage and respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently. We cause harm to others by our actions, speech and thoughts. Not causing harm is the basis of an enlightened society and the beginning of a sane world.
There are three things we need from life: sound health, a way through the bewilderment of life and liberation from all our fears. Following the ancient teachings you will find a source of sustenance that, once you taste it, doubts will fade and life will be easier.
Does one thing appeal to you more than another? If so, then your mind is separated. Keep your mind free of divisions and distinctions. When your mind is detached, simple and quiet, then all things exist in harmony; this way you begin to perceive the subtle truth.
In teaching others, everything depends on consistency, for it is through repetition can the pupil make the material his own. In teaching you should just guide the student; by experiencing the teachings the student will come to understand the essence of the teachings.
Quote: Voyager, there are no bridges; one builds them as one walks.