All of us are like eagles who have forgotten we know how to fly and are trapped in our nest of old food, excrement and stale air. We need to let go of everything and step to the edge of our nest and soar. You cannot soar and carry all the baggage with you.
Maintaining flexibility, both literally and metaphorically, is a necessary part of life. The more flexible you keep your mind and body, the greater your physical and mental health. Daily long, gentle stretching as we age will maintain our flexibility of body, mind and soul.
Life is not about withdrawing from society, not about escaping into a life of solitude and meditation, its about engaging fully in life, it is about transcending our humanity. Be models in your community and set examples of personal and social transformation.
No matter how difficult a situation is, there is always a solution. Your attitude is the most important part of that solution. Do not act with undo haste or continue in your old ways or be content with partial success. Have a plan before beginning and reflect on finishing.
Quote: We sometimes get all of the information, but we refuse to get the message.