Be kind to all qualities of your being, the painful parts, the tough parts; all of you. When we feel bad some way about ourselves, loving kindness towards ourselves is the way to treat this feeling. This then becomes the basis for extending the same unconditional kindness towards others.
Contemplative stillness turns us away from everyday clamor, allowing us to hear the subtle in our own lives. When listening, not with the ear but with the spirit, you can perceive a subtle sound. By entering into that sound, you enter into supreme purity.
What good is it to spend your life accumulating material things or conforming your behavior to others conventions? Live simply, virtuously, true to your nature, ignore time, relinquish ideas and concepts, drawing no line between what is spiritual and what is not.
When your work has ended look back on your conduct and the consequences of your actions. If the effects were good, then good fortune will be the result. It is only by the consequences of your actions and the fruit of your labours that you can judge what to expect.
Quote: Life is but a dream, not because it isn’t there, but it is because we all project different meanings upon it.