In these times we really do not have a choice but to learn, practice and follow the ancient teachings. Not only will our friends and family benefit, but the rest of the world as well. We all have the wisdom to create a wholesome, uplifted existence for ourselves and others.
When we take up self-cultivation we have many expectations, but when your practice does not give you the results you expect, should you give up your practice? However we do receive, without even being aware of it, is a greater inner understanding of life and ourselves.
Practice undiscriminating virtue, eliminate the illusory boundaries between yourself and others. This will bring you joy and freedom. It is not that you don’t encounter difficulties in life, but you learn to meet them calmly and openly and they become a natural part of your life.
In times of unrest, we need to develop an inner strength so that outside happenings glance off harmlessly. At first you might feel yourself disadvantaged against others, but this is temporary. Eventually you will feel relief from the fear you feel at the beginning.
Quote: It’s your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. Rumi