When you wake up in the morning and get a moment of sadness and longing or just that something is wrong, use this moment as an opportunity to relax and touch the limitless space of your human heart. Next time the opportunity arises, experiment with this.
Life slowly begins to make sense gathered from glimpses and inferences. It may well take many years for this mysterious life to come together and to reveal the whole, but be prepared to go the distance because when it begins to come together you get a tremendous feeling of assurance.
The planet is a living organism that we are all an integral part of. The world’s pulse is our pulse, the world’s rhythms are our rhythms. Treating it with moderation, love and care is to treat ourselves with love and care. Doing so is being in synchronicity with ourselves.
Be truthful with yourself. It is only when we have the courage to face things exactly as they are, without any self-deception or illusion, that a clear path of action will develop. This path must be adhered to with perseverance and action.
Quote: People decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.