Being alone is usually something we choose not to invite in, we desire to escape it and find someone to keep us company. Try having a relaxed, nonthreatening relationship with loneliness, this may completely turn our usual fearful patterns upside down.
In order to bring about pleasure in life we must sink down deep roots and connect to the earth. This will give you a deep connection to the energy that arises in all parts of the body. In order to do this, learn methods that focus on as well as cultivate body, mind and spirit.
Never hoard anything, share your possessions, the more you share the greater your abundance. The more you do for others the happier you will be because you are doing it for yourself. The less you hold on to the easier it is to give yourself to others.
The ancients believed divination could reach the truth by moving through illusions of separation and piercing the dividing lines between mundane and spiritual experience. In those now-distant-times divination was chosen over discussion in settling matters.
Quote: To break a habit, you have to be aware of it, motivated to change and have a strategy to replace it.