Relate compassionately with where we find ourselves and see our predicament as workable. When we see this, even for a second once a week, we will discover ways to reverse it. One way is to make life personal and explore it wholeheartedly.
If you want to catch the subtle things in life you need to refine yourself, but then the coarser things of life become more obvious. If you don’t want the coarse, the solution lies in going with the flow of life, uniting with it, then we no longer seek to hold on or reject.
The ancients were amazed at the harmony of natural laws. They reveal an intelligence of such superiority, in comparison with them, all the systematic thinking of human beings is an insignificant reflection. This understanding is all you need for guidance in your life.
If you are sincere and composed, you will have the clarity of mind needed to come to terms with the innumerable impressions that pour in. At the beginning of things, it is important to have this clarity, the beginning holds the seeds of all that is to follow.
Quote: The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.