Do not judge or try to grasp whatever arises in the mind. What we call good or bad we should simply acknowledge as just thinking. Let all thoughts come and go as if touching a bubble with a feather. This practice prepares us to stop struggling and discover a fresh unbiased state of being.
Free yourself from the thought that spirituality is something special just for special people like sages and yogis, not for us normal folks. The ultimate levels of understanding are available to all, all we must do is reach out for it. If we are seekers, we shall find.
Don’t look at evil as a force to resist, but simply as an opaqueness, a state of self-absorption which is in disharmony with the universal process, so that as with a dirty window the light cannot shine through. This allows you great compassion for the wicked and the selfish.
Increase and decrease come of their own time. In a time of scanty resources, you must simplify, this will give you the strength for further undertakings. Draw on the strength of your inner attitude for what lacks externally. Even with slender means, the sentiment of the heart can be expressed.
Quote: If your words and conduct are not consistent, they will have no effect.