Setting goals for others is aggressive, really wanting a success story for ourselves, we are asking them to live up to our ideals. You should never have expectations for others, just be kind to them. If people mess up, do anything you can to bring some happiness into their lives.
In some cultures personal contact is meaningful and closeness to the earth is a way of life. Connecting with your food, sharing it with others, knowing where it comes from and giving thanks as we consume it will start connecting you with nature and others.
We cannot attain clarity and simplicity by avoiding the world. Do your work, take care of others, practice virtue without expecting any reward, and when you understand the higher truths retain an ordinary manner, this is true clarity, true simplicity, true living.
Political structures change, as do nations but life and our basic life’s needs remain eternally the same, these needs cannot be changed no matter our culture or education. Your education comes from self-development, self-cultivation and working with what you have.
Quote: Thanks for everything, I have no complaints whatsoever.