When you fear something, you become unnerved and usually do what it tells you to do. Listen to it, even respect it or be convinced of it, but if you don’t do what it tells you to do, it has no power over you. In this way, you defeat what you are fearful of.
To obtain a state of being and understanding where there are no distinctions, fears or uncertainties, just seek a state of oneness, where there is no distinction between us and spirit. We are not subordinate or superior to anything because we are all one.
Begin a large task in its formative state because larger problems grow from small ones. You can accomplish great tasks with a series of small acts. Be aware of those who promise quick and easy solutions, accept problems as challenges, do not dwell on them, take action.
No matter how difficult a situation is there is always a solution. Your attitude is the most important part of that solution. Do not act with undo haste or continue in your old ways or be content with partial success. Have a plan before beginning and reflect on finishing.
Quote: Living beyond concerns about status, needs and desire can be truly liberating.