Practicing being gentle with yourself helps awaken your genuine heart. This compassion, this clarity, this openness is like something we have forgotten. Lightening up in your practice, sitting there being gentle with yourself, you are rediscovering something.
Do not pretend you are anyone but yourself, there is no need to feel insecure in your perceptions. Through self-cultivation undertake to perfect who you are, there is no need to try to become someone other than who you are. Accept yourself with your sad and happy moments, accept them all.
Any fragment of the mind apart from heart, spirit, human community and the natural law of the universe is going against your own true nature. We sometimes confuse knowledge with knowing. Forget the 10,000 things, be open and curious, practice the “Don’t Know Mind”.
When things are going well, work with perseverance and determination to make full use of this time. Care for all things and exclude no part of humanity. Doing so, you must always adhere to what is right. Remember everything is transitory and descent follows every rise.
Quote: By delegating you pass on the worry.