To relate to all others compassionately is a challenge, it means not shutting down on that person, but first not shutting down on ourselves. It means allowing ourselves to feel what we feel and not pushing it away. It means accepting every aspect of ourselves.
If you live in an urban environment with the noise, the smells, the lack of nature, take time to find a quiet place as close to a natural setting as possible so you can practice quiet cultivation of your mind, body and soul and become acquainted with the subtle aspects of being.
When we emphasize just the body in self-cultivation, with the exclusion of mind or spirit, we are not balanced and this leads to exhaustion. Self-cultivation involves the holistic integration of mind, body and spirit, this way you achieve unity within and without.
In difficult times people need to work together to overcome those difficulties. If they have differences, seek common ground on major issues while reserving their differences on minor ones. If people deal with others in a spirit of equality, then peace and progress is possible.
Quote: More endorphins make you happy; to get more work hard (at living) and you will be happy.