Each day, reflect on the day ahead keeping a wide-open heart and mind. Before retiring, reflect on what you have done. If you did something you aspired to do even once, rejoice in that. If you went against your aspiration, rejoice that you can see what you did.
The affairs of the world and our involvement in them are hard to brush away or equally hard to hold on to. If you want tranquility and peace, practice withdrawal from them for short periods of time and you will find stillness and happiness in those times.
Use your intuition as the main guide in your life. You have an inner knowing, use it. If you embrace things sincerely, they will always be there for you, this way you will know others by what you do yourself. The genuine person is straightforward, with nothing to hide, nothing to defend.
People will give up counselling you if you think you know everything, so be humble, selfless, and keep your mind open and free so it can listen to and be receptive to good advice. If we cannot be influenced ourselves, we cannot influence or help others.
Quote: The secret of proper timing is hidden in one’s physical and mental balance with nature.