When we cling to thoughts and memories, we are clinging to what cannot be grasped. When one thought has entered and another has not begun, rest in that gap. Train in returning to that very moment. All compassion and inspiration come from that gap.
To practice self-cultivation once in a while is not enough, you must do it every day. It doesn’t matter if you feel you are getting something out of it or whether there is a recognizable response; this is secondary. The mere act of daily self-cultivation will bring transformation.
Keeping to the receptive allows the creative to rise. The creative and the receptive are complementary sides of the same process. To be creative, accept the world as it is, return to the innocence of childhood and become receptive to all that comes your way like a newborn.
Different times have different social norms and constraints. Different cultures recognize different standards. Different roles in society carry different responsibilities. Therefore, you must adjust your actions and your perspectives in accordance with any situation.
Quote: Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.