Fundamental richness is available in each moment, all you have to do is relax. Relax when the phone rings, relax looking at the clouds in the sky, relax all the time. A focused relaxation practice enables us to see the simplicity in the way things are, just be there directly.
Maybe meaning in life is somewhat arbitrary. Does meaning in our lives come from what we do every day, our relationships, our job? So, which comes first? Does meaning come from our definition of it? Or do our circumstances determine our meaning?
Trying to dominate or control events goes against the current of life. Believe in yourself and you don’t have to try and convince others. If you are content with yourself, you don’t need others approval. If you accept yourself as you are, the whole world accepts you.
If you are faced with a superior foe, it would be hopeless to fight him. An orderly retreat is the correct procedure and looking for small ways to minimize the effect. It is by no means a sign of strength or courage to engage in a hopeless struggle, regardless of circumstances.
Quote: One thing I know for sure is that I know nothing. Socrates