When you keep your heart and mind open, you feel and emanate a sense of immense well-being. This feeling gives you a sense of being fully human, you want to be with friends when they’re in trouble, and you will become a real help to mother earth who supports us.
We do many things that stimulate us artificially; drink coffee for energy, alcohol for inhibitions, just to name a couple. These artificial stimulants have replaced what should be done naturally, because we have lost the knowledge of how to do things in a natural way.
Practice undiscriminating virtue, eliminate the illusory boundaries between yourself and others, this will bring you joy and freedom. It is not that you don’t encounter difficulties in life, but you learn to meet them calmly and openly and they become a natural part of your life.
Times of abundance should be treasured and well used, for they cannot last, as there is no room to grow or expand. You can slow down the inevitable decline that must follow times of abundance by careful management of your resources.
Quote: Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.