As long as we run away from discomfort we are going to get caught in a cycle of unhappiness and disappointment. Instead, ask yourself can I touch the center of my pain? Can I sit with suffering, yours and mine without trying to make it go away and feel it open me?
As you progress on your path you will seek silence more and more. Once you find deep solitude and calm there will be a great gladness in your heart. Here is a place you need neither defense nor offence, here you can be truly open. This is the peace that seems to elude so many.
The goal is to be content with our simple everyday lives, in harmony with nature and free of desires. When there is no desire, all things are at peace. Take care of the well-being of all things by accepting responsibility for the energies you manifest, actively and subtlety.
To set limits on your expenditures and bounds on your moral conduct is regarded as morally correct. If you do not exercise restraint, it will create unhappiness, but restraint should not be excessive. Strike a balance between excess and insufficiency and follow the central path.
Quote: It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.