Self-importance hurts us, limiting us to our narrow world of likes and dislikes. We have alternatives, we can challenge our beliefs, our fixed version of reality and train in staying open and curious. Train in dissolving our assumptions and beliefs, this is the best use of our lives.
Autumn equinox is the time to reflect on life. The appreciation of life does not require wealth or plenty, only gratitude for all we do have. If the year has been difficult so far, be happy with what you have and resolve to do better when the chance comes.
We know that the manipulations of the mind are dreams and delusions. This causes your life to become chatter and contradiction. Hold one idea, another competes with it. Soon these two will conflict with a third. Keep your mind undivided and let things go, just be.
An exhausting situation can be caused by not having enough or being overwhelmed by having too much. If you are stuck in an exhausting situation, discover the cause, and seek a solution. Merely complaining and being resentful will only make the situation worse.
Quote: Is this action good for me or somebody else? If not, don’t do it.