We can let the circumstances of life harden us so that we become increasingly resentful and afraid, or we can let them soften us and make us kinder and more open to what scares us. We always have that choice. Don’t let life harden your heart.
In spring we had to struggle to make the ascendancy of the year. In summer we reveled in the glory of fire and vigour. Now the fiery activity of summer is replaced by the celebration of autumn, now we can begin to let things relax, and look forward to mellowness and quietness.
Attaching yourself to gross energies such as liking this, hating that, rejecting experiences habitually, indulging in another, will lead you to a heavy detached life. Love all things, work daily on your habitual tendencies and live in the world without attachments, let go.
Even though you have strength and ability, you may regard others with envy or expect them to provide nourishment for you that you should be obtaining for yourself; from this you may infer there is the possibility you have lost touch with your intuition.
Quote: You create your own reality, there is no one else to blame.