The practices of loving kindness, compassion and equanimity offer no promise of a happy ending. These practices are not about avoiding uncertainty and fear but how we relate to discomfort. They teach us how to practice with everyday encounters, and with our emotions.
Who needs to engineer a new monetary policy? Who needs to strive for political office? None of these things are necessary to be a human being. Give up all unnecessary things and live a simple live, because simplicity is what we should celebrate.
We are taught to distinguish good from evil, agreement from disagreement; this causes us conflict and anger. Having no desires and accepting things as they are will give you peace, but you must share this idea with others for we are all part of them and they are all part of us.
What is called common good may not always serve well. Unity may be cohesion for society, but unity of what, dedicated to what? Shared life should be held together by choices not by decree. To be true to yourself do not give up too much and certainly not your center.
Quote: Take hardship courageously.