Constantly apply cheerfulness, if for no other reason than just to feel good about yourself. If you are in a cheerful mood the people you meet will cheer up as well, it is infectious. If you have a sense of gratitude for everything, this will also help cheer you up.
Emotions are transitory and are not a good way to make decisions. Every day you must make decisions, every decision you make has an effect on your life. Before you go down any path, consider it carefully. Rivers very rarely reverse their course.
The ancients were amazed at the harmony of natural laws. They reveal an intelligence of such superiority, in comparison with them, all the systematic thinking of human beings is an insignificant reflection. This understanding is all you need for guidance in your life.
During the process of development, progress frequently comes to a standstill. There might be an obstruction owing to one’s lack of experience or exterior circumstances. In this situation store up your energy preparing for your next move but remain calm and truthful.
Quote: If light is in your heart, you will find your way home.