Fully acknowledge your sadness and the sadness of life, but do not be consumed by it. Remember your true nature, of balance and completeness, joining vision with practicality. This quality of being continuously awake will help you remember who you really are.
Our minds are the source of our difficulties. We want things. If we satisfy one desire and get what we want, we only want more, it never ends. Learn how to eliminate desire, accept your shortcomings, eliminate your mind’s hunger for outward satisfaction.
Your spirit energy is always with you, and you can use it in any way you want, it is inexhaustible. It is the infinite gateway to mysteries within mysteries. If you attempt to fix a picture of spirit in your mind you will lose it. Why not be content with simply experiencing it?
What has been spoiled by man’s fault can be made good through man’s work. Once we know the causes of decay, we must not recoil from working diligently on improving what has been spoiled. This accords with the possibilities of the times.
Quote: We cannot solve our problems in the same state of consciousness in which we created them. Einstein