Practice opening up to whatever you feel rather than shutting down on yourself. By doing this something will shift permanently in us. We will find that our habitual patterns will begin to soften and we will begin to see the faces and hear the words of people who are talking to us.
Our ignorance usually obscures our awareness of life and its true meaning. Life and its meaning are there to experience anytime you want to open yourself up to it. You don’t have to go to a mountain top or a cave to find the meaning of life. It is about feeling it and it’s always right there in front of you.
Discover your truth, then you will realize the world is perfect as it is and it can’t be improved. See things as they are without trying to control them, let things go their own way. If we treat our planet with care and love, we will be in synchronicity with ourselves.
Growth does not need to mean that size gets larger. When we learn to unlearn what no longer serves us, things may even get smaller and better. Do more with less and yet hold more of the world in your grasp. Our job is to give these gains value and not merely learn they are there.
Quote: There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.